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Posts by tag : yii2

Yii2 дайджест новостей разработки #9 Май-Сент.'14

Чем ближе команда разработчиков Yii к релизу - тем реже я делаю дайджесты. Возможно, из-за летних каникул, либо по другим неведомым причинам - "горячих новостей" действительно стало по-меньше. И дайджест намного короче, чем обычно, несмотря даже на 3 месячный период. Хотя сейчас я и не уделяю обзору много времени. Вкратце: всё смотрится весьма близко к релиз-кандидату, множество менее важных вопросов вынесли на релизы 2.0.1+.

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Yii2 dev digest #9 Jul- Sep'14

The closer Yii dev team to release - the less often I make a digests. Maybe it's due to summer time and vacation or there are really less "breaking news", but this digest is much shorter as usually, despite almost 3 moths period. Also I do not spent much time now on reviewing. Briefly : it looks very close to RC, a lot of non-essential issues are postponed to 2.0.1+ version.

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Notes by tag : yii2

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Kuzminov "iJackUA"
Web Team Lead
at MobiDev (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Code in Ruby and Elixir, but still love PHP. Explore ES6 and Vue.js. Explore databases, use Ubuntu and MacOS, think about IT people and management


Skaffold tool that facilitates continuous development for Kubernetes-native applications. Continuously deploys to your local or remote Kubernetes cluster.

DoItLive is a tool for live presentations in the terminal. It reads a file of shell commands and replays the commands in a fake terminal session as you type random characters.