Posts by tag : Ruby

A Little Trailblazer Cookbook

Trailblazer is a high-level Architecture libraries for the Ruby web application (not only for Rails). If you are no familiar with it yet - take a 20 minutes walk through guide...

I want to cover once again those places where our team had issues or misunderstanding. Trailblazer documentation got a lot of improvements recently and keep getting more and more care. Some points from this list are covered by the docs, but in practice not everything was smooth.

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Metaprogramming in Ruby lib: beauty vs usability

Recently I have evaluated different HTTP request wrapper libraries for Ruby project. Took 3 most popular: Faraday, RestClient, HTTParty. And found an interesting fact that illustrates very common issue in the world of Ruby libs.

Metaprogramming is used for the sake of Metaprogramming - "because it is Ruby and I can do it like this...". Not to make end-user developer life simpler.

Let's see the main purpose of HTTP request lib - is to send HTTP request (GET, POST, etc.). And the main purpose should dictate public interface of the lib classes. It should have a generic method to do any kind of HTTP request + shortcut methods to do the most common requests, like GET and POST.

That is what all these libs have

# kind-a this
# or this, body_params_hash)
# it doesn't really matter is it static or object method

The issue is - these methods get/post are not real. For some reasons lib author try to spare 10 lines of code, but to use "cool Metaprogramming approach". The consequences of this - I am as an end-user of this lib, can't Ctrl+Click on post method in my IDE to see how it is implemented and what's happen inside. Because this method does not really exist in class, it appears in runtime after class_eval or define_method. I can't even find the place in Gem where it defined without getting deep in internal implementation. That is a bit frustrating for me. These 3-5 methods are the most important parts of such a lib, I don't care about all other parts, but exactly these parts are hidden from me. And for what good reason?

Proof Faraday

 %w[get head delete].each do |method|
      class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
        def #{method}(url = nil, params = nil, headers = nil)
          run_request(:#{method}, url, nil, headers) { |request|
            request.params.update(params) if params
            yield(request) if block_given?

Proof RestClient

POSSIBLE_VERBS = ['get', 'put', 'post', 'delete']
POSSIBLE_VERBS.each do |m|
  define_method(m.to_sym) do |path, *args, &b|
    r[path].public_send(m.to_sym, *args, &b)

Only HTTParty has explicit declaration of these methods . Thank you guys, you rock! :)

    def get(path, options = {}, &block)
      perform_request Net::HTTP::Get, path, options, &block

As we can see it is 3-5 line methods. There is no any problem to write them explicitly and hardcode method name inside them + extract all repeating lines inside a separate method. That is absolutely normal code design approach. Instead of sacrificing code simplicity and readability of favor of code size.

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Notes by tag : Ruby

Postal and ClutterFish fully featured open source mail delivery platform for incoming & outgoing e-mails

Gush - a parallel workflow runner using only Redis as its message broker and Sidekiq for workers.

Active Interaction - an implementation of the command pattern in Ruby. To organize and manags application-specific business logic.

Кузьминов "iJackUA"
Web Team Lead
в MobiDev (Харьков, Украина)
Code in Ruby and Elixir, but still love PHP. Explore ES6 and Vue.js. Explore databases, use Ubuntu and MacOS, think about IT people and management


DoItLive is a tool for live presentations in the terminal. It reads a file of shell commands and replays the commands in a fake terminal session as you type random characters.