Factory Muffin - library for creating and populating objects (with Faker) on-the-fly in tests. Also could be used with ORM to poluplate DB objects.
Не обошлось без багов после ночного апдейта блога. До автотестирования руки ещё не дошли, так что пока "это нормально". Если нашли баги - не стесняйтесь, пишите в комментарии ;)
Factory Muffin - library for creating and populating objects (with Faker) on-the-fly in tests. Also could be used with ORM to poluplate DB objects.
Made for Elementary - hand-curated apps designed and developed for Elementary OS.
JMESPath - JSON Matching Expression paths. JMESPath allows you to declaratively specify how to extract elements from a JSON document. Has PHP implementation.
Mr.Clean - extendible PHP data cleaner.
Dimensions - Google Chrome extension for coders to measure screen elements dimensions on-the-fly.