NodeJS based self-hosted chat app for small teams "Lets Chat". Multiple rooms, file/image embedd. Access Controll should be soon.
Cachex - a powerful caching library for Elixir with support for transactions, fallbacks and expirations
NodeJS based self-hosted chat app for small teams "Lets Chat". Multiple rooms, file/image embedd. Access Controll should be soon.
Slick - really looks like "the last JS carousel you'll ever need". Responsive, touch-enabled, mouse-dragging, dynamic add/remove.
Tried yii2-pjax widget on blog. A few moment of work and you can navigate through Notes without page reload. Really cool!
Fresh set of Ansible related articles (Issue 25)
"How to use BootstrapInterface in Yii2" by Antonio Ramirez uncovers some DI usage in Yii2