Grand opening ! ;)
Nov 22, 2013, 4:23:30 PMHere we go !
It took just a little more that 1 year from idea of having own blog to it's implementation :) Upcoming Yii2 inspired me to have a tight look on it ... and to do something - so this is what I got up to date.
What I have learned while making this blog
- Yii2 going to be much better that Yii1 and it is worth of switching on it
- Composer is cool, you can leave without... before you try it. After that - it is very hard without it
- Namespaces + Composer's autoloader in PHP are cool, that's a pleasure now to write code (with good IDE autocomplete)
- Markdown is cool, integrated it in this blog, very handy to write formatted posts now
What next :
- Automatic target "_blank" assiging to markdown parsed links
- Make page caching
- Redis cache storage
- Static pages functionality (veeery static)
- Tags manipulation/autocomplete functionality + widget (selectize.js) for blog admin
- Full-text search, experiment with PostgreSQL ts_vector/ts_query, in any case Sphinx is always here to help
- Nginx + PHP-FPM (I want to try how it goes)
- Multy-language separation on blog to have Russian and Deutsch (Es wird Spaß machen) sections
- Full dynamic and relevant OG tags generation
So that's pretty large plans, furthermore I want to make a copule Yii2 extensions/widgets. Really hope to bring something useful this year :)