Coding > Ievgen Kuzminov IT blog

Learn Node.js - books, materials, courses

Learning Node.JS

Collection of free resources to dive into Node.js.

I prefer quite small, useful and clear articles/books (and I would not be so clever to post official docs links here, I hope you have already found it and know what to do in case of emergency :)).
I'll try to order it from very basic to more sophisticated, so if you don't know where to start... just start from the very beginning of the list.

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Yii2 dev digest #4 Dec'13

The last digest this year.
I wish all of us to dive deep in new exciting projects with Yii2 in the next year (as I am sure there will be a stable release relatively soon, according the progress ;))
Stay in touch with development process, grow your skills with it, grow faster then it !

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Yii2 dev digest #3 Dec'13

Official CHANGELOG appeared so my digests could be not so useful now
but in any case I will keep going :)


that could be interesting to participate in

Take a look into and share your view on these questions Implement Transaction strategy for database cleanup (start transaction for connection and then rollback) Implement Reset strategy for database cleanup (tables truncate) Implement Drop/Create strategy for database cleanup (drop tables then create them <->)

What's new

Namespace and package names Extension MUST use the type yii2-extension in composer.json file. Extension MUST NOT use yii or yii2 in the composer package name or in the namespaces used in the package. Extension SHOULD use namespaces in this format vendor-name\package (all lowercase). Extension MAY use a yii2- prefix in the composer vendor name (URL). Extension MAY use a yii2- prefix in the repository name (URL). etc...

Acceptance tests integration and examples Functional tests integration and examples Unit tests integration and examples

@cebe : I think we can close this issue now. I am done with all the system I know and can support as I am going to work with them on a regular basis. Others should be provided as extensions or by other core developers. If someone wants to start working on an implementation of an AR feel free to contact me, I can help with that.

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Yii2 dev digest #2 Dec'13

It has gone some time after Yii2 Alpha announce, it increased activity in GitHub issues, a lot more people have tried to touch Yii2. And this is what I have noted.

$drivers = Driver::find()->with('cars')->asArray()->all();

will get populated nested arrays with releations

 $count = Yii::$app->db->createCommand('
      SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tbl_user WHERE status=:status
  ', [':status' => 1])->queryScalar();

  $dataProvider = new SqlDataProvider([
      'sql' => 'SELECT * FROM tbl_user WHERE status=:status',
      'params' => [':status' => 1],
      'totalCount' => $count,
      'sort' => [
          'attributes' => [
              'name' => [
                  'asc' => ['first_name' => SORT_ASC, 'last_name' => SORT_ASC],
                  'desc' => ['first_name' => SORT_DESC, 'last_name' => SORT_DESC],
                  'default' => SORT_DESC,
                  'label' => 'Name',
      'pagination' => [
          'pageSize' => 20,

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Processing AppStore auto renewable subscriptions in PHP


First all be aware of Apple's policy as for auto renewable subscription and application types that could use it (your app could be rejected if reviewers will decide you that you are missusing subscriptions).

11.15 Apps may only use auto renewing subscriptions for periodicals (newspapers, magazines), business Apps (enterprise, productivity, professional creative, cloud storage) and media Apps (video, audio, voice), or the App will be rejected

Auto renewable subscriptions flow

Basically it works as all AppStore in-app purchases - iOS makes purchase on client side, receives Receipt and gives it server for validation. An issue appears when you need to renew subscription - unfortunately there is no something like IPN in PayPal and AppStore does not "push inform" us about prolongation or cancellation of subscription (as PayPal do). We need to do it ourselves.

As for auto-renew subscriptions we should make such steps:

  • Take initial receipt, validate it on server side (what should be validated except Apple response - is a topic for another big post)
  • Store initial receipt in DB (assign to user internally and save renew date)
  • CRON job should make periodic check of records by renew date (frequency depends on your logic, but once in 1-6 hours could be fine)
  • If it is time to check some subscription - take previously saved Receipt and make a validate request to Apple server as usually
  • If subscription was continued and money booked from user - you will receive response with new Receipt (and old one also), if not renewed - you will receive "Expired" response.
  • If subscription was continued and success response received - save it to DB, and use in next subscription validation round
  • If not - process your app logic on expired subscription (close some services for this user or something)

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Kuzminov "iJackUA"
Web Team Lead
at MobiDev (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Code in Ruby and Elixir, but still love PHP. Explore ES6 and Vue.js. Explore databases, use Ubuntu and MacOS, think about IT people and management


Mobile-Detect - a lightweight PHP class for detecting mobile devices. Works like $detect->isMobile() etc., very handy for choosing a frontend rendering strategy based on this info.