Disque - a DIStributed QUEue from Redis author. Usually people use "Redis as a jobs queue" with only onse single Redis data type. So it seems to appear as a higly efficient, self-contained solution!
Server side simple app made with different frameworks - Notejam (take a look on the same real web app made with RoR, Django, Laravel etc. ) It is an alternative of famous JS ToDoMVC by Addy Osmani
Disque - a DIStributed QUEue from Redis author. Usually people use "Redis as a jobs queue" with only onse single Redis data type. So it seems to appear as a higly efficient, self-contained solution!
How to replace Capistrano deploys with Ansible. Good example implementation by Bedrock. Provision (dev and prod), deploy and rollback steps.
PHP Performance and Scaling videos curated by Erika Heidi
ruby-toolbox.com - a great categorized collection of Ruby gems with popularity rating. Thta's what I need right now! :)
fasterer - will suggest some speed improvements in Ruby application according to fast-ruby recommendations