Image Cutter - javascript plug-in flexible, cross-browser friendly, touch friendly and has no dependencies.
Redis 2.8.0 released! At the first look has couple of very promising things to play aroud with
commands for pattern filering (like scan 0 MATCH key:1*
)Image Cutter - javascript plug-in flexible, cross-browser friendly, touch friendly and has no dependencies.
ParsleyJS - declarative form validation JavaScript library.
Promise nuggets a github-book by @spion with good explanation and examples for Promises usage. Mostly on Promises alternative to async callbacks approach.
Bluebird - javascript promises library aimed to be almost "as fast as regular callback code" (and 100/10 times faster then Q and when). Worth to try out.
I was waiting for it so long :) Videoconverter.js - FFmpeg converted in JavaScript via Emscripten. It works in client browser, really works. It does not support x264 codec yet, but could be useful to create a video preview on client side etc.