Color customization for Material Theme in VSCode 1.11.1


Recently I have switched to use VSCode IDE for Ruby and Elixir development.

And as I like to use Material Theme in editors (initially inspired by Sublimes Material theme), the same exist for VSCode. But not all panels are colored in Material colors (due to previous VSCode API limitations), and vscode-custom-theme extension helped with this (but now there is no need in it).

Since v1.11 VSCode has build-in support for color customization

"workbench.experimental.colorCustomizations": {
       "panelBackground": "#2f333d",
       "tabsContainerBackground": "#2f333d",
       "inactiveTabBackground": "#2f333d",
       "sideBarBackground": "#2f333d"

This preset works for me to have a complete look of VSCode Material Theme

A Little Trailblazer Cookbook

Trailblazer is a high-level Architecture libraries for the Ruby web application (not only for Rails). If you are no familiar with it yet - take a 20 minutes walk through guide...

I want to cover once again those places where our team had issues or misunderstanding. Trailblazer documentation got a lot of improvements recently and keep getting more and more care. Some points from this list are covered by the docs, but in practice not everything was smooth.

Read more ...
Kuzminov "iJackUA"
Web Team Lead
at MobiDev (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Code in Ruby and Elixir, but still love PHP. Explore ES6 and Vue.js. Explore databases, use Ubuntu and MacOS, think about IT people and management


In Google Chrome you can open Dev Tools for Dev Tools. Open it in separate window and then Ctrl + Shift + J.

Redis 2.8.0 released! At the first look has couple of very promising things to play aroud with

  • new *SCAN commands for pattern filering (like scan 0 MATCH key:1*)
  • Pub/Sub notification on expire and data manipulation events - that brings some ideas of pseudo data consistency implementation